Check Boxes



I have a workbook with multiple worksheets. On worksheet 1 I have 10 check
boxes (Cells A1 to A10) that, when checked, links the data in Worksheet 1
(Cells B1 to B10) to Cells B1 to B10 on Worksheet 2. Cell B1 on Worsheet 1 is
linked to Cell B2 on Worksheet 2 and so on. The formula I used (that someone
in the Excel Discussion Group gave me) is
=IF(Worksheet1!A1<>TRUE,"",IF(Worksheet1!B1="","",Worksheet!B1)). I put this
formula in cell B1 or Worksheet 2 and it works fine.

My question is, is there any way I can set up Worksheet 2 so that if any of
the 10 checkboxes on Worksheet 1 are checked (let's say three of them), the
data that corresponds with those checkboxes will show up in the first three
cells on Worksheet 2? Put another way, If I have 100 checkboxes on Worksheet
1 (with specific data linked to each one) and I only check 3 of them, is
there anyway to make the data linked to those 3 checkboxes show up in the the
first 3 cells (A1, A2, A3) of Worksheet 2? If so, how would I do that. Any
assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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