check digit



I'm just after an idea of how I could go about doing the following:

0 0 0 0 0 8 4 4
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

The top line of numbers is just a formatted number that will change but
always be 8 digits. The bottom row of numbers are weights. These will not
change but the corresponding digit above is multiplied by the digit immediate
below. i.e. 4*1=4 4*2=8, 8*1=8
the 4, 8, 8 are then added and used in a caulculation to create a check digit.
What I am having trouble with is how to loop through the top number to
multiply out each corresponding digit in the second row. Any ideas?

Graham Mandeno

Hi Sam

Here are two functions I use for (a) generating a check digit to append to a
number and (b) validating a number where the last digit is assumed to be the
check digit. For some reason (I can't remember why!) I use a weight of 3
for alternate digits instead of 2.

Public Function Mod10Generate(InVal As Long) As Byte
Dim sVal As String, iSum As Integer, iPos As Integer, iDigit As Integer
sVal = InVal
For iPos = 1 To Len(sVal)
iDigit = CInt(Mid(sVal, Len(sVal) - iPos + 1, 1))
If iPos Mod 2 Then
iSum = iSum + iDigit * 3
iSum = iSum + iDigit
End If
Mod10Generate = (10 - (iSum Mod 10)) Mod 10
End Function

Public Function Mod10Validate(InVal As Long) As Boolean
Mod10Validate = Mod10Generate(InVal \ 10) = InVal Mod 10
End Function

You should be able to tweak this to work for your requirements.


Thanks Graham, thats way more than I expected.

Graham Mandeno said:
Hi Sam

Here are two functions I use for (a) generating a check digit to append to a
number and (b) validating a number where the last digit is assumed to be the
check digit. For some reason (I can't remember why!) I use a weight of 3
for alternate digits instead of 2.

Public Function Mod10Generate(InVal As Long) As Byte
Dim sVal As String, iSum As Integer, iPos As Integer, iDigit As Integer
sVal = InVal
For iPos = 1 To Len(sVal)
iDigit = CInt(Mid(sVal, Len(sVal) - iPos + 1, 1))
If iPos Mod 2 Then
iSum = iSum + iDigit * 3
iSum = iSum + iDigit
End If
Mod10Generate = (10 - (iSum Mod 10)) Mod 10
End Function

Public Function Mod10Validate(InVal As Long) As Boolean
Mod10Validate = Mod10Generate(InVal \ 10) = InVal Mod 10
End Function

You should be able to tweak this to work for your requirements.
Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

sam said:
I'm just after an idea of how I could go about doing the following:

0 0 0 0 0 8 4 4
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1

The top line of numbers is just a formatted number that will change but
always be 8 digits. The bottom row of numbers are weights. These will not
change but the corresponding digit above is multiplied by the digit
below. i.e. 4*1=4 4*2=8, 8*1=8
the 4, 8, 8 are then added and used in a caulculation to create a check
What I am having trouble with is how to loop through the top number to
multiply out each corresponding digit in the second row. Any ideas?

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