Check For File



Using Access ’03…

Doug Steele sent me some useful code to set a file attribute in VBA:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", GetAttr("C:\Folder\File.mdb") Or

I use the following code to copy a file from one location to another,
and then hide the file:

FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

This works fine, but it won’t let me do it twice and copy over the
preexisting file because the file is hidden.

I performed this workaround:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal 'show file
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile 'copy source file to destination
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden 'hide file

The code above works, but not the first time because the mdb does not
exist on the drive until the code runs at least once; i.e., I cannot
set an attribute on a file that does not exist.

I need to first check to see if the file exists, if so, then run the
first part of the code:

If File.mdb exists in C:\Folder Then
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal
End If
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

Any ideas on how to check a location to see if a file exists?


Using Access ’03…

Doug Steele sent me some useful code to set a file attribute in VBA:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", GetAttr("C:\Folder\File.mdb") Or

I use the following code to copy a file from one location to another,
and then hide the file:

FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

This works fine, but it won’t let me do it twice and copy over the
preexisting file because the file is hidden.

I performed this workaround:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal 'show file
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile 'copy source file to destination
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden 'hide file

The code above works, but not the first time because the mdb does not
exist on the drive until the code runs at least once; i.e., I cannot
set an attribute on a file that does not exist.

I need to first check to see if the file exists, if so, then run the
first part of the code:

If File.mdb exists in C:\Folder Then
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal
End If
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

Any ideas on how to check a location to see if a file exists?

Arvin Meyer MVP

Try this:

Function FileExists (strFile As String) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Dim intLen As Integer

intLen = Len(Dir(strFile))

FileExists = (Not Err And intLen > 0)

End Function
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP

Using Access ’03…

Doug Steele sent me some useful code to set a file attribute in VBA:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", GetAttr("C:\Folder\File.mdb") Or

I use the following code to copy a file from one location to another,
and then hide the file:

FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

This works fine, but it won’t let me do it twice and copy over the
preexisting file because the file is hidden.

I performed this workaround:

SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal 'show file
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile 'copy source file to destination
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden 'hide file

The code above works, but not the first time because the mdb does not
exist on the drive until the code runs at least once; i.e., I cannot
set an attribute on a file that does not exist.

I need to first check to see if the file exists, if so, then run the
first part of the code:

If File.mdb exists in C:\Folder Then
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbNormal
End If
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SetAttr "C:\Folder\File.mdb", vbHidden

Any ideas on how to check a location to see if a file exists?

Douglas J. Steele

If Len(Dir("C:\Folder\File.mdb")) > 0 Then
' File exists
' File doesn't exist
End If


If Len(Dir("C:\Folder\File.mdb")) > 0 Then
' File exists
' File doesn't exist
End If

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVPhttp://I.Am/DougSteele
(no private e-mails, please)

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Thanks guys for the help! Much appreciated.

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