Check for MSysCompactErrors


Lars Brownies

On I read:

"Check that MSysCompactErrors hasn't been created or had new entries added.
If it does, then these records document the objects and or data removed as
part of the repair. Make a backup of the repaired file."

Now in a daily maintenance action which is activated when the first user of
that day logs on, the backend of my app gets compacted and repaired.

As a precaution, wouldn't it be a good idea to add a function to the
maintenance routine, that checks for the existance of MSysCompactErrors? Any


Tom van Stiphout

On Thu, 7 Jan 2010 19:11:15 +0100, "Lars Brownies" <[email protected]>

My thoughts are that it is rather unfriendly to penalize the first
person in the office, who got out of her warm bed before everyone
else, with a few minutes of the hourglass cursor, while you could have
scheduled the Compact to occur overnight.

Sure, it would add to the robustness of the Compact if you checked the
Errors table.

Microsoft Access MVP

Lars Brownies

else, with a few minutes of the hourglass cursor, while you could have
scheduled the Compact to occur overnight.

A scheduled compact is not an option, it is not allowed by the
IT-department, and the compact now takes about 5 seconds for a 10 MB


Tom van Stiphout

You approached IT incorrectly. You should have said "no way will I
allow you to compact my database overnight". :)

One issue you will have to deal with is how to be informed if the
Errors table has unexpected entries. Perhaps best to have the system
send yourself an email with the details. I would not rely on the user
reporting the error.

Microsoft Access MVP

Lars Brownies

Since it's also not allowed to send automatic mails :)... I made an option
that, when the table is detected, the user gets a msgbox asking him to press
OK to send an email to the db controller. The mail is brought to front and
he only has to press Send.


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