Robert W. King
Hi folks!
I'm a relative novice at Excel 2003 and VBA, and a complete novice using
SQL. The project I'm working on is to build a Excel macro to retrieve
records from SQL database tables and stuff selected fields into cells on a
spreadsheet. I have some fragments of working code that I'm trying to expand
to fit my purpose.
'Define the SQL access handles
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
'Connect to the database.
cn.ConnectionString = "provider =
SQLOLEDB;server=SQLSRVR;database=DBASEXYZ;Trusted_Connection =
yes;Integrated Security=SSPI"
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient ' allows access to recordcount
That code is then followed by the the SQL query and so forth. However, what
I want to do beforehand is to check whether I have a valid connection
established to the SQL server database. I presume that there is some
property, et cetera I can test immediately following the cn.Open statement
that should let me find out whether the open was successful, but in my
thrashing about with the help files and a treeware manual or two, I've yet
to learn any more about it. Can anyone give me a hand?
I'm a relative novice at Excel 2003 and VBA, and a complete novice using
SQL. The project I'm working on is to build a Excel macro to retrieve
records from SQL database tables and stuff selected fields into cells on a
spreadsheet. I have some fragments of working code that I'm trying to expand
to fit my purpose.
'Define the SQL access handles
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
'Connect to the database.
cn.ConnectionString = "provider =
SQLOLEDB;server=SQLSRVR;database=DBASEXYZ;Trusted_Connection =
yes;Integrated Security=SSPI"
cn.ConnectionTimeout = 30
rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient ' allows access to recordcount
That code is then followed by the the SQL query and so forth. However, what
I want to do beforehand is to check whether I have a valid connection
established to the SQL server database. I presume that there is some
property, et cetera I can test immediately following the cn.Open statement
that should let me find out whether the open was successful, but in my
thrashing about with the help files and a treeware manual or two, I've yet
to learn any more about it. Can anyone give me a hand?