check format


Rick Rothstein

Using the Characters.Font property of the cell - something like this

Dim Status As String
With Range("A1").Characters.Font
If .Bold Then Status = "Bold, "
If .Italic Then Status = Status & "Italic, "
If .Strikethrough Then Status = Status & "Strikethrough, "
If .Shadow Then Status = Status & "Shadow, "
If .OutlineFont Then Status = Status & "OutlineFont, "
If .Subscript Then Status = Status & "Subscript, "
If .Superscript Then Status = Status & "Superscript, "
If .Underline Then Status = Status & "Underline, "
Status = Status & "Size=" & .Size & ", "
Status = Status & "ColorIndex=" & .ColorIndex
End With
MsgBox Status


This will check the font size and wheter the font is bold in range B2.

Sub chkFont()
s = Range("B2").Font.Size
fs = Range("B2").Font.Bold
MsgBox s & " " & fs
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

JLGWhiz is correct in using the Font property directly instead of vectoring
through the Characters property. Change the With statement in my posting to

With Range("A1").Font

and use the rest of the code as posted.

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