Steve said:
If Len(Dir$("C:\Temp", vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Sorry ... no such directory"
MsgBox "Found it."
End If
Dir is really frowned upon in the ClassicVB world, for "exists" tests. Lots
of potential pitfalls. Here's a method that avoids all of those...
Public Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim nAttr As Long
' Grab this files attributes, and make sure it isn't a folder.
' This test includes cases where file doesn't exist at all.
On Error GoTo NoFile
nAttr = GetAttr(FileName)
If (nAttr And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory Then
FileExists = True
End If
End Function
Public Function FolderExists(ByVal PathName As String) As Boolean
Dim nAttr As Long
' Grab the attributes, test valid values for folder bit.
On Error GoTo NoFolder
nAttr = GetAttr(PathName)
If (nAttr And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
FolderExists = True
End If
End Function
Folks with a religious aversion to Error trapping <g>, can drop in the API
Private Declare Function GetFileAttributes Lib "kernel32" Alias
"GetFileAttributesA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
Private Const INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES As Long = -1&
Private Const ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION As Long = 32&
Public Function FileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim nAttr As Long
' Grab this files attributes, and make sure it isn't a folder.
' This test includes cases where file doesn't exist at all.
nAttr = GetFileAttributes(FileName)
If (nAttr And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory Then
FileExists = True
FileExists = True
End If
End Function
Public Function FolderExists(ByVal PathName As String) As Boolean
Dim nAttr As Long
' Grab the attributes, test valid values for folder bit.
nAttr = GetFileAttributes(PathName)
If (nAttr And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
FolderExists = True
End If
End If
End Function
Fwiw... Karl