Liam Myron
Outlook 2003 with Exch 2K, Win 2K.
Exchange GAL is sorted by surname, as are my Contacts. With Outlook 2K I
used to be able to type the first name followed by surname of a colleague
and it would resolve to their GAL entry. With Outlook 2003 it resolves to
their Contact entry (i.e. their personal, rather than work, email address)
even though the GAL is the first list that should be checked according to
the Address Book settings.
The old behaviour was much preferable but, after having set the order of
address lists for name resolution without success, I'm at a loss as to how
to get it back with the new version. Can it be done?
Thanks in advance,
Exchange GAL is sorted by surname, as are my Contacts. With Outlook 2K I
used to be able to type the first name followed by surname of a colleague
and it would resolve to their GAL entry. With Outlook 2003 it resolves to
their Contact entry (i.e. their personal, rather than work, email address)
even though the GAL is the first list that should be checked according to
the Address Book settings.
The old behaviour was much preferable but, after having set the order of
address lists for name resolution without success, I'm at a loss as to how
to get it back with the new version. Can it be done?
Thanks in advance,