Check on the input in an inputbox


Les Stout

Could somebody please help me with some code to be able to check the
date format the user puts into an input box.
I need to compare two dates and get the amount of days, so they need to
enter the date as 2004/01/14 and i need to confirm that it has been
entered correctly, if not return to the beginning & re-enter.

Les Stout

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Jake Marx

Hi Les,

Here's some code that should work:

Public Function gbIsValidDate(rsDate As String) As Boolean
Dim avDate As Variant

If IsDate(rsDate) Then
avDate = Split(rsDate, "/")
If UBound(avDate) = 2 Then
gbIsValidDate = Len(avDate(0)) = 4 _
And Len(avDate(1)) = 2 _
And Len(avDate(2)) = 2
End If
End If
End Function

Sub test()
Dim sDate As String
Dim bValid As Boolean

Do While Not bValid
sDate = InputBox$("Please enter a date in " _
& "yyyy/mm/dd format", "Enter Date", _
Format$(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd"))
bValid = gbIsValidDate(sDate)
End Sub

It's not elegant, but it should force the user to enter a date in yyyy/mm/dd
format before the code proceeds.


Jake Marx
MS MVP - Excel

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