Check spelling in another language than English


Philippe Claeys


I have an English version of Word but often write text in French. In
such cases I would like to check the spelling and grammar using the
French dictionnaries. I do select the text and under the tool menu set
the language to French but I get an error message saying that Word
cannot find the dictionnaries for French. I checked their are both
(spelling and grammar) in my proofing tool in my office folder. I also
tried to select the French dictonnaries as the custom dictionnary
(with French selected) in the Word preference file. Without results.

Can someone please help me. I use a Mac OS X 10.3.6, and Word version


Corentin Cras-Méneur

What Word version, Word X or Word 2004? I believe the 10.1.3 update fixed a
problem with the French proofing tools in Word X, check here to find out
your exact Word X version.
The About... Box is not always reliable.

There were even further fixes in the subsequent versions. I recommend
updating all the way to 10.1.6. Select the application in the Fidner, press
command-i and if it doesn't display 10.1.6 for the version, go ahead an apply
the update (it works on all previous releases of Office X).

Make sure you download the one that corresponds to your install (eg: US in
this case and not French since it looks like you installed the US version).

If it still doesn't work (and you are indeed using Office X and not 2004),
you might want to delete the Carbon Registration Database located here:
~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft it will be automatically re-created next time
you launch Word (~/Bilbliothèque/Préférences/Microsoft in an OS in French).


Corentin Cras-Méneur

What Word version, Word X or Word 2004? I believe the 10.1.3 update fixed a
problem with the French proofing tools in Word X, check here to find out
your exact Word X version.
The About... Box is not always reliable.

There was even more problems fixed in subsequent releases. I definitively
recommend updating all the way to 10.1.6, anyway the problem was mostly with
the custom dictionary.
If the applciation is not in version 10.

Philippe Claeys

Hello, I followed the given instructions by updating to Office version
10.1.6, and deleting the carbon registration database but the problem
did not go away. As I try to check the spelling in French, words
produces an error message saying that it cannot find the dictonary for
French. However, it is present in the proofing tool using the office
Any more suggestions ? Thanks

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi Philippe,
Hello, I followed the given instructions by updating to Office version
10.1.6, and deleting the carbon registration database but the problem
did not go away. As I try to check the spelling in French, words
produces an error message saying that it cannot find the dictonary for
French. However, it is present in the proofing tool using the office
Any more suggestions ? Thanks

That's a bit puzzling... Do you have "French
Grammar " for instance in the /Applications/Microsoft Office X/Shared Applicat
ions/Proofing Tools/ folder ??

There might be something fishy with your install. You could still use the CD
to reinstall the proper "value-pack" and re-run the updater to make sure the
proofing tool are properly updated as well.


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