Check the path for validity



Good morning,

I have cells C5:C10 (merged cells) in my worksheet "Sheet1" where users can
type in a path, including the file name (e.g. "C:\File.xls"), that users want
to save the workbook.

I need some help to write a code to validate the path to make sure that the
path is correct. If the path is not correct, I want to message the users
that the path you have entered is not a correct path format.

This code will be part of if - then statement of my other code.

Please help.


Jacob Skaria

Dim strFile as String
strFile = Trim(Range("C5"))

If Dir(Left(strFile, InStrRev(strFile, "\")), vbDirectory) = "" Then
MsgBox "Invalid Path"
End If

PS: Alternatively you can also use FSO FileSystemObject to validate...

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Patrick Molloy

the good ol' DIR() still lives. With it, you get the file name or nothing ...

Option Explicit
Sub test()
MsgBox ValidPath("C:\Temp\LOG_SSG1_2009-09-09.log")
End Sub
Function ValidPath(spath As String) As Boolean
Dim sname As String
sname = Dir(spath)
ValidPath = sname <> ""
End Function

Jacob Skaria

Using FSO..

Dim strFile As String, fso As Object
strFile = Trim(Range("C5"))

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FolderExists(Left(strFile, InStrRev(strFile, "\") - 1)) Then
MsgBox "Folder exists"
End If

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