I have a form that tracks representative info and when "submitted" opens
another file and passes the data. There will be multiple users for the form,
and I want to have it setup so if 2 people hit submit at the same time, it
doesn't crash on one person with the data file open in a read only mode.
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"\\c:\Floor Support Question Logs\Question Log.csv",
WriteResPassword:="askme", IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True
Sheets("question log").Select
How would you check to see if the file is already open and if it is, loop
until it was closed before proceeding?
another file and passes the data. There will be multiple users for the form,
and I want to have it setup so if 2 people hit submit at the same time, it
doesn't crash on one person with the data file open in a read only mode.
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"\\c:\Floor Support Question Logs\Question Log.csv",
WriteResPassword:="askme", IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True
Sheets("question log").Select
How would you check to see if the file is already open and if it is, loop
until it was closed before proceeding?