checkbox "Always trust macros from this source" shaded out



Dear experts,
I have electronically signed my macros to enable my coworkers to simply
check the checkbox "Always trust macros from this source" in the macro
security alert, and not be bothered with it anymore.
It works on my computer, but in some other computers the checkbox line is
grey and you can't check it. The security level for macros is medium on every

What could the reason for this be? Can you please help me?
Many thanks!

Stephen Bullen

Hi Valeria,
I have electronically signed my macros to enable my coworkers to simply
check the checkbox "Always trust macros from this source" in the macro
security alert, and not be bothered with it anymore.
It works on my computer, but in some other computers the checkbox line is
grey and you can't check it. The security level for macros is medium on every

What could the reason for this be? Can you please help me?

The reason is probably that you used SelfCert to create the certificate, which
only allows you to trust the cert for your machine.


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel


yes, I used SelfCert... what else should I use to enable the "Always trust
macros from this source" option on other computers?
Thank you!
Best regards,

Stephen Bullen

Hi Valeria,
yes, I used SelfCert... what else should I use to enable the "Always trust
macros from this source" option on other computers?

If it's only one or two computers that you 'control' (e.g. work colleagues),
you might be able to get away with exporting the signature from your machine
and installing it on theirs. Use Control Panel > Internet Options > Content
Certificates to export/import the certificate.

For more general distribution, you need to purchase a proper digital
certificate from someone like Thawte ( or Verisign


Stephen Bullen
Microsoft MVP - Excel


Hi Stephen,
thank you, I'll try exporting my certificate. A very last question: when I
try to export it, a window is opened asking me for the path and type of the
certificate. I could not locate it! Where is it normally installed?

Many thanks,
best regards,


Hi Stephen,
I have figured out I just had to give a name to the certificate (please
ignore my previous post), so I have succesfully exported it and installed it
on my collegue's machine.
I have tried storing it under "personal cert", or "other users", etc but the
check box of the macro alert is still greyed out!
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks, best regards,


I am having the same problem. In knowledge base article, some where, I read
that system administrator can certify my certificate. I am not sure how to
do it. Also excel is loaded on each machine in my office. I like my
coworkers to use the macros.



I have tried again, and it works now in my case (I do not know why it was not
working before).
I did the following:
exported my self-certificate
signed of course all the macros with it
sent the certificate to my colleagues
told them to install it in the following way: open it --> click on "install"
--> "next" -->
"Place all certificates in the following store" (not the default option!)
--> "browse" --> "Trusted root cerification authorities" --> OK, next, ok etc
Now, when they open the workbooks, they can click on "always trust macros
from this source", and if they do it, they do not get the macro warning

It might be that your problem lies in the fact that your company has locked
the "trusted root certification authorities group, so your coworkers can't
add your certificate...

hope this helps,
best regards,

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