Brenda from Michigan
Word 2002 SP3
User has two pages of questions with checkboxes lined up on the right for
Yes/No. They do NOT need to be clickable - any box would work. However, her
PC is using a WordPerfect font which cannot be converted to PDF because it is
seen by Adobe as being unlicensed.
* I tried using Insert|Symbols to put in a box but it is too small. When
the point size is enlarged, it throws off the vertical spacing of the line.
* I tried using the Drawing Toolbar to create a box of the right size. I
want to cut to the clipboard, highlight the existing box and Paste to replace
with the drawing shape. Unfortuantely the box goes to the original position
where it was created and must be dragged into place which is laborious
because it does not easily line up.
There must be a better way! Can anyone offer me suggestions?
P.S. I do have Charles Kenyon Checkbox Template but it cannot be used in
this case. Oh how I wish it could...
User has two pages of questions with checkboxes lined up on the right for
Yes/No. They do NOT need to be clickable - any box would work. However, her
PC is using a WordPerfect font which cannot be converted to PDF because it is
seen by Adobe as being unlicensed.
* I tried using Insert|Symbols to put in a box but it is too small. When
the point size is enlarged, it throws off the vertical spacing of the line.
* I tried using the Drawing Toolbar to create a box of the right size. I
want to cut to the clipboard, highlight the existing box and Paste to replace
with the drawing shape. Unfortuantely the box goes to the original position
where it was created and must be dragged into place which is laborious
because it does not easily line up.
There must be a better way! Can anyone offer me suggestions?
P.S. I do have Charles Kenyon Checkbox Template but it cannot be used in
this case. Oh how I wish it could...