mrs said:
Thanks again for your reply. I'm using CurrentUser()
= 'Admin' b/c I don't know what I'm doing. I read some
more and am not using Admin anymore. Everything seems to
be working now. I'm trying to figure how to open up my
file and automatically put the password and user name
in. I have "P:\Data\Matt\Eng
Discrepancies3.mdb" /user "Matt" /pwd "admin".
When using switches on the command line you must provide the full path to
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /user "Matt" /pwd "admin"
This will use your default workgroup. That may be fine if your default
workgroup is the one you secured your mdb with. Normally folks leave their
default as system.mdw and add the switch to use their secure mdw to the
command line.
"path to msaccess.exe" "path to mdb" /wrkgrp "path to mdw" /user "Matt" /pwd
Additionally, it is unusual to put the username/password right there in the
target, since anyone can open the shortcut and see this information. But if
you are confident this isn't an issue, then it's fine to leave it in.
Please don't take this wrong as I'm reading between the lines, but did you
follow the steps outlined in the security FAQ to secure your database? I'm
thinking you may have just gone to the security menu and started playing.
You need to follow the steps exactly, or your database won't be secure.
What version are you using, and what methods did you follow?