

b shaw

I have a problem that I am trying to solve: We have a
form, created in Word 97. It is a lenghthy form and there
are bookmarks where information is to be added. We have
created a visual basic front end that the user only has to
key in certain information (based on what they choose,
some of the information is pulled from a database to
populate the form)... Anyway after we fill out the visual
basic interface, we can then "exit to word" and the form
is filled out. We then make a pdf of the completed form to
send to our client. One of the things that I have not been
able to accomplish is this: There is a "checkbox" that
needs to have an "x" in it. I cannot figure out how to
make this work. I know how to do it if I put a checkbox
with the forms tools and then "lock" the form. I want that
same look, but without having the form "locked". Is there
anyway to accomplish this? (In other words, if I "exit to
Word" and have not checked the box, there is a blank box,
but if I have checked it, there is an X in the box.

Any ideas?

Jay Freedman

Answered in m.p.w.customization.menustoolbars. Please don't post the same
question separately in different newsgroups.

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