Hi, have a switchboard form with alot of checkboxes that when one is
selected it opens a specific report/form. Works fine. But what I really
need is to check a checkbox - and then open the appropriate form when a
command button (i.e. View) is pressed. Am presuming it is a simple macro
with the 'condition' being the checkbox name being of value x (i.e.
selected). And so I would list all the checkboxes,with condition, and the
openform command....so that whichever checkbox is selected then it's value
would identify it as selected. But not sure what the values are for checked
boxes. Is this the right idea? would welcome an example. thanks.
selected it opens a specific report/form. Works fine. But what I really
need is to check a checkbox - and then open the appropriate form when a
command button (i.e. View) is pressed. Am presuming it is a simple macro
with the 'condition' being the checkbox name being of value x (i.e.
selected). And so I would list all the checkboxes,with condition, and the
openform command....so that whichever checkbox is selected then it's value
would identify it as selected. But not sure what the values are for checked
boxes. Is this the right idea? would welcome an example. thanks.