checkboxes or optionbox


Milton Snider

I would like be able to check many choices on a form and have them all
stored in one field. For example I would like for the user to check all the
names which attended a meeting and have those names, or IDs of the names
stored in a single field. How can i accomplish this. I tried setting the
control of several checkboxes to the same control, but only one was
selection was stored. I also tried creating an option group of checkboxes,
but there was not property for allow multiple selections. I also tried a
dropdown textbox, but there is not setting for "Allow multiple selections".
Can anyone help?

Nikos Yannacopoulos


Storing multiple selections in one field is not a very good idea. A proper
design would include a separate attendance table with one field for a
meeting ID and one for a person ID. In order to populate your table from the
form you would have to use a small piece of code to open the table as a
recordset, loop through the checkboxes and add a record for each checked
A more flexible form design would employ a multi-select listbox instead of
checkboxes, so it is adjusted dynamically as people come and go, or can be
filtered if required.


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