Checking Data, Help Please




Sheet1, Column A as Names in the cells as in A1 John Smith, A2 Joe Brown
In Column T there is the same name in each row, yet the name is in a
How is a good way of checking the cells have the same name in each row.

A1 John Smith - T1 John Smith was out today (could have text here)

A2 Joe Brown - T2 Joe Brown was in today (could have text here)

A3 Albert Jones - T3 New Albert Jones on holiday (could have text here)


Thanks in advance

All the best


Thought for the Day:
"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Jim Cone

Dim blnThere As Boolean
blnThere = (InStr(1, Range("T1").Value, Range("A1").Value, vbTextCompare) > 0)
MsgBox blnThere
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA
(Excel Add-ins / Excel Programming)

wrote in message
Sheet1, Column A as Names in the cells as in A1 John Smith, A2 Joe Brown
In Column T there is the same name in each row, yet the name is in a
How is a good way of checking the cells have the same name in each row.

A1 John Smith - T1 John Smith was out today (could have text here)

A2 Joe Brown - T2 Joe Brown was in today (could have text here)

A3 Albert Jones - T3 New Albert Jones on holiday (could have text here)

Thanks in advance
All the best

Thought for the Day:
"There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

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