Checking for free busy status



I am checking for resource availability and checking for any conflicts with
other meetings.
I want to check on a 30 mins interval. The code below is not working.
iCurrentSlotStart and iCurrentSlotEnd in the below code always returns 0.
Please help to make this work.
Thanks in advance


Sub CommandButton3_Click()

StartDate = FormatDateTime("11/28/2007 1:30:00 PM")
EndDate = FormatDateTime("11/28/2007 2:30:00 PM")

strFreeBusy =
Item.Recipients(1).FreeBusy(FormatDateTime(StartDate,vbShortDate), 30, False)
iCurrentSlotStart = Int(DateDiff("n", CDate(StartDate),
CDate(StartDate)) \ 30)
iCurrentSlotEnd = Int(DateDiff("n", CDate(EndDate), CDate(EndDate))
\ 30)
strFreeBusyTemp = Left(strFreeBusy, iCurrentSlotEnd)
strFreeBusyTemp2 = StrReverse(strFreeBusyTemp)
strFreeBusy2 = StrReverse(Left(strFreeBusyTemp2,
Len(strFreeBusyTemp2) - iCurrentSlotStart))
iBusySlot = InStr(1, strFreeBusy2, "1")

If iBusySlot <> 0 Then
Msgbox "Conflict with another meeting"
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

I'm not sure what you're trying to do with this expression:

DateDiff("n", CDate(StartDate), CDate(StartDate))

It would always return 0, because the two dates are identical.

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