Checking if a Table Exists


Bas Cost Budde

Chaplain said:
How do I check programmatically to see if a table exists?

air code:

function isTable(cName as string) as boolean
dim td as tabledef
on error resume next
set td=currentdb.tabledefs(cname)
set td=nothing
end function

Cheryl Fischer

From a post dated 2/12/2004 by Access MVP Ken Snell:

This function will return a true value if the table exists in the database;
false if not.

Public Function TableIsHere(strTableName As String) As Boolean
Dim tdf As TableDef
TableIsHere = False
For Each tdf in CurrentDb.TableDefs
If tdf.Name = strTableName Then TableIsHere = True
Next tdf
End Function

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