Pierre Leclerc used his keyboard to write :
Here's a reusable function that returns a boolean when passed a
Function bFileExists(Filename As String) As Boolean
' Checks if a file exists in the specified path
' Arguments: fileName The fullname of the file
' Returns: TRUE if the file exists
On Error Resume Next
bFileExists = (Dir$(Filename) <> "")
' bFileExists = (FileLen(Filename) <> 0) '//optional method
End Function
Example use:
If bFileExists("C:\MyDocuments\toto.xlsx") Then...
Here's another reusable function to test if the file is already open.
Function bBookIsOpen(wbkName) As Boolean
' Checks if a specified workbook is open.
' Arguments: wbkName The name of the workbook
' Returns: True if the workbook is open
Dim X As Workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set X = Workbooks(wbkName)
bBookIsOpen = (Err = 0)
End Function
Example use:
If bBookIsOpen("toto.xlsx") then workbooks("toto.xlsx").Activate
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