Paul B.
I have a text box which is formatted for 8 characters that is used to record
the 'Epistry' number which is xxxxxx-x.
I need to search the existing entries to make sure the number that is being
entered is unique before the user continues with the data entry. I have the
If Not IsNull(DLookup("EpistryNumber", "tblEpistry", "EpistryNumber =" &
[EpistryNumber])) Then
Which does not work. I am not sure if the reason is the dash in the number,
or the fact that the number is in a text box.
Thanks in advance.
the 'Epistry' number which is xxxxxx-x.
I need to search the existing entries to make sure the number that is being
entered is unique before the user continues with the data entry. I have the
If Not IsNull(DLookup("EpistryNumber", "tblEpistry", "EpistryNumber =" &
[EpistryNumber])) Then
Which does not work. I am not sure if the reason is the dash in the number,
or the fact that the number is in a text box.
Thanks in advance.