checking Sequential numbering



I currently have a spreadsheet containing information about the process route
of products that we manufacture. the lay out is as follows:

Column A: Part No
Column B: Operation sequence
Column C: Machine
Column D: Stage Vaule

These are currenlty sorted by part no, then operation sequence.
The stage value column is the way we calculate the added value of the
product, 1 being the 1st value & 12 being the last. Each time the porduct
goes from 1 stage to the next it gains more value.

The problem I have is that some of the stage values have not been populated
in ascending order. ie they may go 1,2,5,4,9,7 when it should be 1,2,4,5,7,9,

So what I am wanting to do is check that for each part no. in operation
sequential order that the stage value goes up and not down.

Can this be done easily?

The Rook

Bernie Deitrick

Manually: Apply autofilters, select each Part No from the filter list, and then eyeball the Stage

Using functions: Sort the entire list based on Part No. then in Cell E2, use the formula

=IF(A2<>A1,"",IF(D2<D1,"OUT OF ORDER",""))

and copy down to match your list, then filter on column E to see the "OUT OF ORDER" values.

MS Excel MVP

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