Robert Johnson
I'm using automation from c# in order to use the word functionnalties.
I succeed in calling the Application.CheckSpelling methods, but the check is
always done with the english language.
I want to have the ability to dynamicaly select the language when i call the
checker. Sometime it can be english, sometime it can be french, depending of
the user profile in our software.
I tried to use Document.CheckSpelling instead of Application.CheckSpelling,
setting the language (Document.Content.LanguageID) , it's work, but in this
case the Speeling dialog box is displayed, and i don't want it. More, when i
close the Speeling dialog box, the word document is displayed too.
For this try , i had setted Application.DisplayAlerts to
WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone and Application.Visible to false, but it has no
I succeed in calling the Application.CheckSpelling methods, but the check is
always done with the english language.
I want to have the ability to dynamicaly select the language when i call the
checker. Sometime it can be english, sometime it can be french, depending of
the user profile in our software.
I tried to use Document.CheckSpelling instead of Application.CheckSpelling,
setting the language (Document.Content.LanguageID) , it's work, but in this
case the Speeling dialog box is displayed, and i don't want it. More, when i
close the Speeling dialog box, the word document is displayed too.
For this try , i had setted Application.DisplayAlerts to
WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone and Application.Visible to false, but it has no