Chek Mark



Hello group,

I am using Excel 97 with Win95. I use Form to create a check box, would you
please show me how to resize the box ( I need it bigger) and the check mark
is darker. I mean the small square box which I put the mark in it.

Thank you very much for your time.



Dear Long,

Unfortunately you can't resize the box. However let me offer
a work around that I use. just resize a cell for your box
and use the border that you want. Then just set the font for
the cell to Wingding 2 and then use <shift> + p or you can use
<shift> + r and you get a box already checked.

If the sheet is for others you can use cell validation
(Data menu >> Validation... >> Valuation Criteria >>
List Source P. On the Input Message tab put for the
Input Message type something like...Please select P to check
the box)

Not as easy, but more flexible.


Bob Phillips


I use a similar technique on woksheets, using the Marlett font and an a,
using worksheet selection event code to set or unset the check (you can see
previous posts using Google). Unfortunately, in this case, Long is using a
form, and whilst you can create a textbox to work in a similar manner,
textbox does not have a click event, just a double-click, so it's not so

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