Chimming in on Sales Tax setup... Suggestions??



"I've read the comments and questions from "Rick" in the "2002 Access form
Sales Tax Field".

In the great state of Ohio, every county and local district has differnt
sales taxes. My question is along the same lines. I could use a suggestion
since I'm not familiar with VBA code and I think this is what I will need.
Here is what I have:

I have setup a [Sales Tax] table with the fields: [Sales Tax ID], [Sales
Tax], [CtyOrDist]. The latter field is a name I give the sales tax either by
county or district.

I have a field in my [Order Details] table named [Sales Tax] that I want a
tax assigned to after multiplying it by the subtotal on my form. If I've
been using the 2007 Trial and found that I can add this [Sales Tax] field
from the [Order Details] table by dragging it in. Can I do that and edit the
VBA to assign that amount to it both in the form and table, or what would I
exactly have to do?


Sorry, I just read about "cross-posting". I apologize for the inconsiderate
thoughts of my selfish need of resolution. I have posted this in a chimming
response to the earliery post mentioned previously.

However, I could still use some help. Again, my apologies to all you MVP's
that volunteer.

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