Chip Pearson Compare add-in question



Good morning all.
I've downloaded the Chip Pearson Addin that compares workbooks/sheets.
While I probably shouldn't have, I've tried incorporating it as a user form
into my own xlam file that I access all of my macros from.
Other such tools I've done this to have worked fine.
However, with this one, I've found that when I do the callback generation,
it doesn't even show up in my call back list in Custom UI Editor. And when I
try to access it I get an error message stating it's not there.

What must I do to get it working correctly?

This is my fourth of fifth user form, so I am familiar with them.
As far as I can tell, I've done everything correctly.

I.e., the full code is in the module, the user form is in the form module.

and as to why I did this-- I did not want another tab with a single macro on
it taking up more space--- my space is limited as it is..... Yea, well......

Please advise as to what you need to know to answer my questions.
Thank you.

Bob Phillips

Have you set a reference to the addin in the VBIDE so you can call any
exposed methods directly?


Yes, I did.
I called directly to the public sub Compare(). I did place the (control as
iribboncontrol) in as well, and it threw no errors.
I then created a secondary call to the frmCompare.
Neither works.

public sub Compare(control as IRibboncontrol).

I'm now thinking that the "public" is what is causing my problem.

Bob Phillips

I am a bit confused as to why you are setting up a callback if you want to
call it from your form. You can just call directly from the form.

Bob Phillips

Sorry, just re-read your last reply.

Compare is the name of the procedure in the addin, you cannot call that
directly like that, the signature of that addin does not include the
ribboncontrol.. You need to create a button that can call compare, either a
button on the ribbon, or one on a worksheet.

But Bill and Myrna have created their own commandbar, so there is already a
button on the Addins ribbon tab.

Another way would be to amend the addin itself to create a ribbon tab of its


Thanks again for your response.
I did some more digging in my code, and found that I'd made my form call the
same name as one of the subs within Chip's code module.
I've changed my Form call macro, and it works fine now.

Your confusion is most likely due to my limited understanding of what I'm
doing, which in turn limits my ability to accurately explain it. I am trying
to learn more as I go so I can more concisely explain my troubles as they
arise. Until then, I apologize for foisting my ignorance upon you.....

Again, thank you for your help.

Harald Staff


"Your confusion is most likely due to my limited understanding of what I'm
doing, which in turn limits my ability to accurately explain it."
This is wonderful. I think I'll put it into my work email signature if it's
ok with you.

Thanks. Best wishes Harald

Bob Phillips

I think I caught that in my subsequent post. Check it out, I have a further
comment there.


rotflmao....really. :-D
You're more than welcome to it Harald.
Hope it helps......


Hi Bob.
I've actually gotten it to work-- as I'd originally hoped.
My problem wound up being that I had named my form call macro the same name
as a public sub that Chip had named.
Once I realized what I'd done, I resolved it, and was in fact abel to call
to the compare macro within Chip's code.
I am now back in business, as desired.

The entirety of my goal was to delete one more tab in my ribbon. I'm not
full up yet, but close.
Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it.

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