choose a cell anywhere and have filtered data appear there? Is there a way?



With great help from the forum, I accomplished my goal . Unfortunately, the
boss reviewed it and now he wants something different.. Figures.. Make
something easier for him.. and he wants even more features... sigh...

Anyway, I have a parts list that I need to make a purchase orders for. The
data is entered in by one department based on what their design requires.
Another department creates a purchase order for it.

Consists of an ID #, qty, description, part number, material, alternative
material number, and miscellaneous.

The majority of the time the material indicates which vendor the part will
be ordered from.. this is easy to do (now).. filter out unique material..
use drop down and using advanced filter, have it appear on a purchase order.
However, now the indication is.. yes, that is the way they want it MOST of
the time.. However. sometimes they will order other materials from the same
vendor as well. So he wants to be able to pick and choose... and wants it
done as easy as possible (for him, as little fuss as possible)... The only
truly unique information appearing in this list is the ID # and part number.
So, basically I need to choose a material to be ordered, show all materials
that are the same, and from that be able to choose which ones based on the
results of that list.. and add it to my purchase order.. Then choose a
different material, pick and chose which parts from those materials.. and
also add it to that same purchase order.

I am not quite sure how to go about this...

Any ideas, direction....

Thanks in advance (once again)


Here is how I went about it:
Go back to your boss and ask him if he thinks he needs any more
features. Realize after he has given you a list (double it in your
mind, because it will double before you are done) that you are talking
database scale and not spreadsheet scale project. Start getting
proficient in Access (well it came on the Office CD after all) and
creating your database. Program well and deploy. Find out that your
users can come up with more ways to screw up a program than you could
imagine and that you are spending all day writing error trapping code to
keep your database running. Find out that Access database is not secure
and not fault tolerant. Improve backup and restore procedures. Realize
that you need more sophisticated software than your skills and time
available allow. Research and recommend your boss purchase some MRP
software to do what she really wants to do. Purchase software. Find
out that some of the features which caused you to select that software
really don't work as advertised. Call MRP software vendor. He will
tell you that you need to upgrade to their brand new version of the
software which has solved your problem. Hope that by now, someone else
is in charge of this project. They will upgrade to the newest version.
They will find even more bugs. Software vendor will tell them they
need to purchase a maintenance contract. Boss does so. If business is
good, you are back doing what you were hired for and your boss and his
MRP headaches don't bother you so much. If business is bad, does it
really matter how you lost your job?


Thanks for the advice... Sounds like someone had so much fun... Ultimately
it will be a company intranet.... but their interim solution was okay as a
simple solution (and I know how to use Access and visual basic, javascript
and vbscript - just a bit rusty).. First, it just started off as a fairly
simple form they needed while the 'real' stuff was being built. They never
could decide what they wanted when I was trying to use access... This aspect
of the company needs improvement and they finally realize it.. Most of the
things were paper based until I came along.. Now they have so many
decisions.. about how to do things.. So these forms, we decided were a start
... so I could get an understanding of what they want.. The boss just decided
he wants more.. once I did it (give them an idea that a program can do
more.. and this is what I get)

I guess I will just 'muddle' along... thanks anyway... In time I will figure
a way around everything..

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