Choosing One Set of Address



This is a little tricky to explain so I will do my best.

Where I work we utilize our database to mail out 2,000+ newsletters every
month. We recently cleaned up our database and want to make it more effective
and efficient for all of us.

In our master table, we have home addresses and business addresses for each
record, if applicable. We want to print home addresses by default if there is
no business address, business addresses if there is no home address, and to
NOT print the home address if there is a business address available for that

If that made any sense, how can I set up our Access 2003 to do that? I would
appreciate any feedback.

bhicks11 via

What are you using to run the process? Is it a query or vba?

You can use the IIF() function to ascertain if the home address is null, etc.

Something like this in the query field:

address: IIF(isnull(


Duane Hookom

You can use the Nz() function like:
=Nz([Business Address], [Home Address])

John Spencer (MVP)

NZ converts a null to whatever the second argument is. If you fail to specify
the second argument, NZ will return zero for numeric fields, but a zero-length
string for text fields.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Sorry Duane, I don't get it. NZ() only converts a null value to zero?


Duane said:
You can use the Nz() function like:
=Nz([Business Address], [Home Address])
This is a little tricky to explain so I will do my best.
[quoted text clipped - 10 lines]
If that made any sense, how can I set up our Access 2003 to do that? I would
appreciate any feedback.

bhicks11 via

Thank you John, didn't know that. I searched in Help before commenting for a
more complete understanding of NZ and it took me to a broken link.

NZ converts a null to whatever the second argument is. If you fail to specify
the second argument, NZ will return zero for numeric fields, but a zero-length
string for text fields.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Sorry Duane, I don't get it. NZ() only converts a null value to zero?
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]

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