Circular Reference Problem?




I just posted with a problem that my successors do not move when I change
the date of a predecessor. My file was working fine until I clicked and
dragged tasks around to rearrange the order (I didn’t change any of the task

I just closed and reopened the file and I get a circular reference error
message. The message identifies a task number and gives instructions to
remove the error by selecting on the tasks causing the circular link and
clicking on the unlink tasks button on the tool bar.

The task it identified was the last task in my schedule. When I unlink the
tasks. I save and close the file and when I reopen it I get the Circular
Error again but now with the task second to the last task of the schedule.
I removed the link, save, close and open and then get another Circular Error
with the third to the last task of the schedule. I’m in an endless loop.

Any ideas?


Jan De Messemaeker


Unlink all the summary tasks: the trouble will be gone.
This happens when you create a circular link by moving tasks into linked
summary tasks.
It is one of the reasons to preferably not link summary tasks.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
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