circular reference


Samantha Gore

When I open a plan in MSP 2003, it tells me I have a circular reference, but
the task is not showing either predecessors nor successors. I have tried
deleting it and moving it around, and then I get the message again for the
same row number (107).

Also when I try to link other tasks in a group I get a circular link
warning, even though they are new and not linked. If I link them in pairs it
works OK. If I then set the date of the first task, or link it to elsewhere,
none of the dates in the successing tasks adjusts to the correct date.

Am I missing something or is my file corrupted?

Many thanks, Samantha

Samantha Gore

found it! a link to a summary task! (a new one I had just inserted which MSP
has put the link on, not guilty myself!). phew

it helps when you read previous posts on this forum.....


Hi Samantha,

I'm glad you were able to find the trouble with a link on a summary
task. You may also want to disable the option "Autolink inserted or
moved tasks" on the Schedule tab on the Tools > Options dialog box.
With that option disabled, Project will not automatically add links
if you insert new tasks.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

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