Circular Relationship error



Has anyone encountered this error message in MS Project
Professional 2003 before? If so, any idea how to correct
No calculations can be performed now.
There is a circular relationship in task 72 Conversion
Enhancements of "project name.published". The successors
of this task refer back to this task or its predecessors,
causing a circular reference.
To remove the link that is causing the circular reference,
select the two tasks that are causing the circulare link,
and then click Unlink Tasks on the Standard Toolbar.

This project does not have any successors or predecessors
listed for any task. So I am not sure how to resolve this.

Any assistance is appreciated.


Are you able to open the file at all? I would first set calculation to
manual and then open the file (if possible). Then make sure all tasks
are shown (Show All Subtasks button) and display the Predecessor field.
Something has got to be linked somewhere. This type of problem (circular
relationship) is most prevalent when predecessors are applied to Summary

Even though you may not have directly inserted predecessors, if the
option (Tools/Options/Schedule tab) is set to "autolink inserted or
moved tasks" there may be predecessors you are not aware of. Does the
file have external links that may not be visible? Go to
Tools/Options/View tab and check the the "show" boxes for external
successors and predecessors are set.

Hope this helps.


Did you try to perform copying and pasting of the entire
row of a task? In our organization, most of the workplans
that do not have dependencies but are experiencing that
error is mainly caused by copying and pasting of the
entire row of a task.

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