Cannot install Cisco ViewMail 4.0.3b on Windows 2000 OS running Office 2003. Data Collaboration Objects have been installed. All Upgrades and patches have been installed for both OS and Office. There is a weird error log for ViewMail saying the installation could not find the proper Rpcltscm.dll file and aborts the install.
MSI (c) (F8:28): Doing action: OutlookVersionError Action start 12:36:42: OutlookVersionError.
Property(C): CanNotInstallOnThisMachine = can not be installed on this machine.
Property(C): Win98MERpcDllAbortMsgRequiredText = The minimum required version of "rpcltscm.dll" is 4.71.3400.0 for installation to proceed. Please consult your system administrator or visit http://www.microsoft.com for the proper hotfix.
Property(C): Win98MERpcDllAbortMsgErrorText = The version of "rpcltscm.dll"
found on this machine is too old. Property(C): PackageCode = {554C4B31-4EE9-4EB5-AD3B-2DE29FB5CC10}
I'm not sure why I'm getting this error as this is a Windows 2000 computer. I have tried to find the latest "rpcltscm.dll" file, with no luck. Any suggestions?
MSI (c) (F8:28): Doing action: OutlookVersionError Action start 12:36:42: OutlookVersionError.
Property(C): CanNotInstallOnThisMachine = can not be installed on this machine.
Property(C): Win98MERpcDllAbortMsgRequiredText = The minimum required version of "rpcltscm.dll" is 4.71.3400.0 for installation to proceed. Please consult your system administrator or visit http://www.microsoft.com for the proper hotfix.
Property(C): Win98MERpcDllAbortMsgErrorText = The version of "rpcltscm.dll"
found on this machine is too old. Property(C): PackageCode = {554C4B31-4EE9-4EB5-AD3B-2DE29FB5CC10}
I'm not sure why I'm getting this error as this is a Windows 2000 computer. I have tried to find the latest "rpcltscm.dll" file, with no luck. Any suggestions?