I just tested it. The title is displayed if the author is the author of
multiple works.
I used the following VBA code for my test (just so you could test it
=== Start of code ===
Public Function TestMLA()
Dim book1 As String
Dim book2 As String
Dim book3 As String
' Define a first book by John Doe.
book1 = "<b:Source xmlns:b=""
http://schemas.microsoft.com/" & _
"office/word/2004/10/bibliography""><b:Tag>Doe01</b:Tag>" & _
"<b:SourceType>Book</b:SourceType><b:Author><b:Author>" & _

erson><b:Last>Doe</b:Last>" & _

erson></b:NameList></b:Author>" & _
"</b:Author><b:Title>A first book</b:Title>" & _
"<b:Year>2008</b:Year><b:City>London</b:City>" & _
' Define a second book by John Doe.
book2 = "<b:Source xmlns:b=""
http://schemas.microsoft.com/" & _
"office/word/2004/10/bibliography""><b:Tag>Doe02</b:Tag>" & _
"<b:SourceType>Book</b:SourceType><b:Author><b:Author>" & _

erson><b:Last>Doe</b:Last>" & _

erson></b:NameList></b:Author>" & _
"</b:Author><b:Title>A second book</b:Title>" & _
"<b:Year>2009</b:Year><b:City>London</b:City>" & _
' Define a third book by Charles Darwin.
book3 = "<b:Source xmlns:b=""
http://schemas.microsoft.com/" & _
"office/word/2004/10/bibliography""><b:Tag>Dar01</b:Tag>" & _
"<b:SourceType>Book</b:SourceType><b:Author><b:Author>" & _

erson><b:Last>Darwin</b:Last>" & _

erson></b:NameList></b:Author>" & _
"</b:Author><b:Title>On the origin of species</b:Title>" & _
"<b:Year>1859</b:Year><b:City>London</b:City>" & _
' Delete all text currently in the active document.
' All sources are now unused and can be deleted.
For idx = ActiveDocument.Bibliography.Sources.Count To 1 Step -1
' Add the two books.
ActiveDocument.Bibliography.Sources.Add book1
ActiveDocument.Bibliography.Sources.Add book2
ActiveDocument.Bibliography.Sources.Add book3
' Set the style to MLA.
ActiveDocument.Bibliography.BibliographyStyle = "MLA"
' Add some basic text with both works cited in it.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
' Add some text.
Selection.InsertAfter "Some text "
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add the first citation.
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=
"CITATION Doe01", PreserveFormatting:=False
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add some more text.
Selection.InsertAfter " some more text "
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add the second citation.
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=
"CITATION Doe02", PreserveFormatting:=False
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add some more text.
Selection.InsertAfter " and yet some more text "
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add the third citation.
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=
"CITATION Dar01", PreserveFormatting:=False
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1, Extend:=wdMove
' Add some more text.
Selection.InsertAfter " and some final text." & vbCrLf & _
vbCrLf & "Bibliography" & vbCrLf
Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=3, Extend:=wdMove
' Add a bibliography.
Selection.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=
"BIBLIOGRAPHY", PreserveFormatting:=False
ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
=== End of code ===
The result I got is:
=== Start text ===
Some text (Doe, A first book) some more text (Doe, A second book) and yet
some more text (Darwin) and some final text.
Darwin, Charles. On the origin of species. London, 1859.
Doe, John. A first book. London, 2008.
—. A second book. London, 2009.
=== End text ===
which seems to be exactly what one would expect. As "John Doe" has written
two books, their titles are displayed in the in-text citation. As Darwin has
only one citation, the title isn't displayed.
If you are not seeing the title, I really think something is wrong with the
input and the suggestion to look at "Edit source" seems the right way to go.
If you can not get it work but are able to reproduce a basic example of the
problem, you can mail that to me and I'll take a look at it tomorrow.