No, ISI announced that EndNote 8 will support Word 2004 (I'm pretty sure).
So no NDA issue, though I give Ronald Florence lots of credibility anyhow
when it comes to Word/EndNote.

That was ISI's response to the cries of
dismay that CWYW in EndNote 7, which was fairly recent, didn't work with
Word 2004. Probably your informant got confused--certainly right now a lot
of people are holding off upgrading to Office 2004 because EndNote won't
work with it. Or there's the Corentin method--run both programs and open up
Word X just to do the EndNote formatting. ISI also announced EndNote 8 Mac
would be out in the fall, though that was a while back.
So far as I can tell, the only Mac options for bibliographic management
software, aka BMS, are EndNote and Bookends. If collaborating, EndNote
might be your only option, as its use is far more widespread, and Bookends
is Mac-only. Both programs have free 30-day trial downloads (
and I haven't explored Bookends, but plan to soon--I
think Corentin has and found it limited. But it really depends on what you
are using it for--my workflow doesn't take advantage of lots of EndNote
features, which are geared toward scientists, so I might switch. (Or I
guess it depends on what your users are using it for--I strongly suspect
that among a few hundred users, many will be unable to use Bookends. If you
need one size fits all, I think EndNote is all you got.)
EndNote 8 for Windows is apparently a whole new database type, **not
backwards compatible,** plus the Unicode support. I assume the Mac version
will match those features. But the drastic changes had some trade-offs, and
the Win users are up in arms about EndNote 8, and many are waiting on the
first patch to upgrade, and have been told a patch is waiting on getting the
Mac version out. (This is rumor off the EndNote mailing list). I venture
to say that switching hundreds of users to EndNote 8 will be a chore, even
if they are already EndNote users.
Side note--EndNote has always struck me as very FileMaker Pro-like....I
wonder if the whole new database type is the same as FMP's whole new
database type.