Class Module question



I've put the following code in a class module:

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents Custombutton As CommandBarButton
Public TlBar As String

Public Function CreateButton(CustomFace As Integer, CustomCaption As
String, _ CustomText As String, CustomRoutine As String, CustomStyle
As MsoButtonStyle, _ Optional CustomEnabled As Boolean)

Dim myBar As CommandBar

IIf TlBar <> "Formatting", TlBar = TlBar, TlBar = "Formatting"

Set myBar = Application.CommandBars(TlBar)
Set Custombutton = myBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With Custombutton

.FaceId = CustomFace
.Caption = CustomCaption
.TooltipText = CustomText
.OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" & CustomRoutine
.Style = CustomStyle
.BeginGroup = True
.Enabled = CustomEnabled

End With

End Function
Public Function DestroyButton(CustomCaption As String)

On Error Resume Next

On Error GoTo 0

End Function
Public Function CustomizedBar(WhichToolBar As String)

TlBar = WhichToolBar

End Function


In a normal module I use the following, in an autoexec routine:

Public ButtonJHFG888888 As New ClsCustomButton

sub Auto_Open()

Application.CommandBars.Add "MyToolbar"
With CommandBars("MyToolbar")
.Position = msoBarTop
.Visible = True
End With
With ButtonJHFG888888
.CustomizedBar "MyToolbar"
.CreateButton 1142, "Import Data", "Press to import
data from the P-drive", "ImportDATAflash", msoButtonIconAndCaption,
End With

end sub

in a lot of workbook I have set up several of this class are used and
put on the same toolbar that has been added. Is there a way to put the
toolbar creation code and creating a possible collection of buttons on
the toolbar into the class module i.e a class ClsBarAndButtons where
somehow several buttons can be created when just one instance of
ClsBarAndButtons is created ??

(as you can see I'm pretty inexperienced with Class modules!!!)


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