Ron S
Good morning to all,
The following code will write "Debug,Print" to the "Code" and
"Immediate" windows by means of a shortcut menu item on each
respective toolbar and the procedures and class work great, except for
the proceedure "Write_Debug_Print_To_Code_Win_1". When I execute this
macro, via the shortcut menu that the class creates, the
line"cm.ReplaceLine m, strString & strApp" will cause the
"Class_Terminate" proceedure to fire which removes the shortcut menu
Can someone please explain why this happens and how to fix it??
Ron Seaman
I am using Win XP with Office Pro 2000.
'*** Insert following into a module
Option Explicit
Public Const gs_MACRO_WRT_DBG_PRNT_CODE_WIN_1 As String =
Public Const gs_MACRO_WRT_DBG_PRNT_IM_WIN_2 As String =
Public gb_FromVBE As Boolean
Public gcls_MenuHandler As C_MenuHandler
Sub Aut
'*** Create the VBE menu item class
Set gcls_MenuHandler = New C_MenuHandler
End Sub
Sub Auto_Close()
'*** Terminate The VBE menu item class
Set gcls_MenuHandler = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Write_Debug_Print_To_Code_Win_1()
Dim cp As CodePane
Dim cm As CodeModule
Dim strString As String
Dim strApp As String
Dim m As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
'Test HereDebug.Print
strApp = "Debug.Print "
Set cp = Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane
cp.GetSelection m, n, x, y
Set cm = Application.VBE.CodePanes(1).CodeModule
strString = cm.Lines(m, 1)
cm.ReplaceLine m, strString & strApp 'Causes class to
cp.SetSelection m, n + Len(strString & " " & strApp), x, _
y + Len(strString & " " & strApp)
End Sub
Sub Write_Debug_Print_To_IM_Win_2()
Debug.Print "Debug.Print "
End Sub
'*** Insert following into class module named "C_MenuHandler"
'*** This class from:
''' VBA Code Cleaner 4.4 © 1996-2002 by Rob Bovey,
''' all rights reserved. May be redistributed for free but
''' may not be sold without the author's explicit permission.
'*** Thanks Rob
'*** Modified by Ron Seaman
Option Explicit
''' **********************************************************
''' Class Variable Declarations Follow
''' **********************************************************
Private WithEvents CustomMenu1 As VBIDE.CommandBarEvents
Private WithEvents CustomMenu2 As VBIDE.CommandBarEvents
Private mtb_CodeWindow_1 As CommandBar
Private ms_OnAction1 As String
Private mtb_IM_Win_2 As CommandBar
Private ms_OnAction2 As String
''' *************************************************************************
''' Class Event Procedures Follow
''' *************************************************************************
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mtb_CodeWindow_1 = Application.VBE.CommandBars("Code Window")
ms_OnAction1 = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" &
Set mtb_IM_Win_2 = Application.VBE.CommandBars("Immediate Window")
ms_OnAction2 = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" &
Call AddMenuItem
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
Set CustomMenu1 = Nothing
mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
Set mtb_CodeWindow_1 = Nothing
Set CustomMenu2 = Nothing
mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
Set mtb_IM_Win_2 = Nothing
Debug.Print "Class_Terminated"
Debug.Print "Err # " & Err.Number & " Description " &
End Sub
Private Sub CustomMenu1_Click(ByVal cmdBar As Object, handled As
Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
gb_FromVBE = True
Application.OnTime Now(), ms_OnAction1
handled = True
End Sub
Private Sub CustomMenu2_Click(ByVal cmdBar As Object, handled As
Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
gb_FromVBE = True
Application.OnTime Now(), ms_OnAction2
handled = True
End Sub
''' *************************************************************************
''' Class Private Procedures Follows
''' *************************************************************************
Private Sub AddMenuItem()
Dim ctlCustom1 As CommandBarButton
Dim ctlCustom2 As CommandBarButton
''' Always try to delete any old menus left around by a crash.
On Error Resume Next
mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
''' Add the new menu item # 1 "Debug.Print in Code Window
Set ctlCustom1 = mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, ,
, _
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Code Window") _
.Controls("List Properties/Met&hods"). _
Index, True) 'Add(msoControlButton)
With ctlCustom1
.Caption = "Write ""Debug.Print """
.BeginGroup = True
End With
''' Add the new menu item # 2 "Debug.Print in Immediate Window
Set ctlCustom2 = mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , _
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Immediate Window") _
.Controls("&Object Browser"). _
Index, True) 'Add(msoControlButton)
With ctlCustom2
.Caption = "Write ""Debug.Print """
.BeginGroup = True
End With
''' Set a reference to the Event object for the custom menu items
Set CustomMenu1 =
Set CustomMenu2 =
End Sub
The following code will write "Debug,Print" to the "Code" and
"Immediate" windows by means of a shortcut menu item on each
respective toolbar and the procedures and class work great, except for
the proceedure "Write_Debug_Print_To_Code_Win_1". When I execute this
macro, via the shortcut menu that the class creates, the
line"cm.ReplaceLine m, strString & strApp" will cause the
"Class_Terminate" proceedure to fire which removes the shortcut menu
Can someone please explain why this happens and how to fix it??
Ron Seaman
I am using Win XP with Office Pro 2000.
'*** Insert following into a module
Option Explicit
Public Const gs_MACRO_WRT_DBG_PRNT_CODE_WIN_1 As String =
Public Const gs_MACRO_WRT_DBG_PRNT_IM_WIN_2 As String =
Public gb_FromVBE As Boolean
Public gcls_MenuHandler As C_MenuHandler
Sub Aut
'*** Create the VBE menu item class
Set gcls_MenuHandler = New C_MenuHandler
End Sub
Sub Auto_Close()
'*** Terminate The VBE menu item class
Set gcls_MenuHandler = Nothing
End Sub
Sub Write_Debug_Print_To_Code_Win_1()
Dim cp As CodePane
Dim cm As CodeModule
Dim strString As String
Dim strApp As String
Dim m As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim y As Long
'Test HereDebug.Print
strApp = "Debug.Print "
Set cp = Application.VBE.ActiveCodePane
cp.GetSelection m, n, x, y
Set cm = Application.VBE.CodePanes(1).CodeModule
strString = cm.Lines(m, 1)
cm.ReplaceLine m, strString & strApp 'Causes class to
cp.SetSelection m, n + Len(strString & " " & strApp), x, _
y + Len(strString & " " & strApp)
End Sub
Sub Write_Debug_Print_To_IM_Win_2()
Debug.Print "Debug.Print "
End Sub
'*** Insert following into class module named "C_MenuHandler"
'*** This class from:
''' VBA Code Cleaner 4.4 © 1996-2002 by Rob Bovey,
''' all rights reserved. May be redistributed for free but
''' may not be sold without the author's explicit permission.
'*** Thanks Rob
'*** Modified by Ron Seaman
Option Explicit
''' **********************************************************
''' Class Variable Declarations Follow
''' **********************************************************
Private WithEvents CustomMenu1 As VBIDE.CommandBarEvents
Private WithEvents CustomMenu2 As VBIDE.CommandBarEvents
Private mtb_CodeWindow_1 As CommandBar
Private ms_OnAction1 As String
Private mtb_IM_Win_2 As CommandBar
Private ms_OnAction2 As String
''' *************************************************************************
''' Class Event Procedures Follow
''' *************************************************************************
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mtb_CodeWindow_1 = Application.VBE.CommandBars("Code Window")
ms_OnAction1 = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" &
Set mtb_IM_Win_2 = Application.VBE.CommandBars("Immediate Window")
ms_OnAction2 = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!" &
Call AddMenuItem
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
Set CustomMenu1 = Nothing
mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
Set mtb_CodeWindow_1 = Nothing
Set CustomMenu2 = Nothing
mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
Set mtb_IM_Win_2 = Nothing
Debug.Print "Class_Terminated"
Debug.Print "Err # " & Err.Number & " Description " &
End Sub
Private Sub CustomMenu1_Click(ByVal cmdBar As Object, handled As
Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
gb_FromVBE = True
Application.OnTime Now(), ms_OnAction1
handled = True
End Sub
Private Sub CustomMenu2_Click(ByVal cmdBar As Object, handled As
Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
gb_FromVBE = True
Application.OnTime Now(), ms_OnAction2
handled = True
End Sub
''' *************************************************************************
''' Class Private Procedures Follows
''' *************************************************************************
Private Sub AddMenuItem()
Dim ctlCustom1 As CommandBarButton
Dim ctlCustom2 As CommandBarButton
''' Always try to delete any old menus left around by a crash.
On Error Resume Next
mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls("Write ""Debug.Print """).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
''' Add the new menu item # 1 "Debug.Print in Code Window
Set ctlCustom1 = mtb_CodeWindow_1.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, ,
, _
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Code Window") _
.Controls("List Properties/Met&hods"). _
Index, True) 'Add(msoControlButton)
With ctlCustom1
.Caption = "Write ""Debug.Print """
.BeginGroup = True
End With
''' Add the new menu item # 2 "Debug.Print in Immediate Window
Set ctlCustom2 = mtb_IM_Win_2.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, , , _
Application.VBE.CommandBars("Immediate Window") _
.Controls("&Object Browser"). _
Index, True) 'Add(msoControlButton)
With ctlCustom2
.Caption = "Write ""Debug.Print """
.BeginGroup = True
End With
''' Set a reference to the Event object for the custom menu items
Set CustomMenu1 =
Set CustomMenu2 =
End Sub