I haven't gone public with this yet but I won't be there. :-(
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question
"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
That's okay - I will catch up with you next month!
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, JoAnn Paules [MVP] asked:
| Oh geez! I guess I'm scratching my head with a porcupine.
| One thousand pardons, dear Milly.
|| In Millie's posts, *everyone* scratches their heads furiously.

|| ||| Hmm... I don't know where the need to depict me as in furiously head
||| scraching nor the urge to depict me as living in a world where
||| nothing ever
||| changes and the Chevy Nova is still the epitomy of car design?
||| Just asked how I could get help with what seemd a simple request in
||| enabling
||| the classic office menu system in Office 2007 as a basis for
||| transition and
||| adaptabilty. Unfortunately there appears to be no good answer for
||| this and I
||| must have touched upon an area where there is some sensitivity.
||| Nonetheless I did get my answer .. thanks for the clarification.
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| "The statement "..get used to it" is very closed minded for
|||| software by definition which
|||| should be user freindly. Especially to a core (long term)
|||| constituency."
|||| Welcome to Apple OS X.xxx
|||| Must be nice living where nothing ever changes and the Chevy Nova
|||| is still the epitomy of car design.
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
|||| without reading.
|||| After furious head scratching, Matthew asked:
||||| So absolutley no consideration for what would be regarded as in
||||| your perception backward user compatibility or interoperability?
||||| Been using Office since it's inception this is the first time it
||||| has been so redesgined as to be ambiguous and aleinate
||||| experienced/seasoned users. The statement "..get used to it" is
||||| very closed minded for software by definition which should be user
||||| freindly. Especially to a core (long term) constituency.
||||| If a comparision can be drawn from those of us who migrated from
||||| Lotus 123 to Excel in the day, still found a support foundation
||||| for change with the incorporation of of 123 Menu key strokes and
||||| formual translations. So why not the same support foundation from
||||| Menu driven to Ribbon driven functionality?
||||| "Patrick Schmid [MVP]" wrote:
|||||| You can't. 2007 has a completely new user interface and you'll
|||||| have to learn to live with it, or go back to an older version.
|||||| Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
|||||| --------------
|||||| ***
|||||| Office 2007 RTM Issues:
|||||| ***
|||||| Customize Office 2007:
|||||| RibbonCustomizer Add-In:
http://pschmid.net/office2007/ribboncustomizer OneNote 2007:
http://pschmid.net/office2007/onenote ***
|||||| Subscribe to my Office 2007 blog:
|||||| ||||||
||||||| Lovely, everything is all over the place , hidden, and not in
||||||| the least intuitive.
||||||| Ribbon is pre-school and Kindergarden at best. Just fustrating.
||||||| So how do I get to the classic menu driven menus in Office 2007
||||||| ? I've got work to do, and need a common/familiar interface as a
||||||| foundation in which to transition to.
||||||| Help...