Guidance Counselor Man
Hi. I'm trying to use the databse to enroll students in classes. I went
through and listed all the classes, instructors and the times the classes are
offered. I have many sections of the same class offered at different times.
The trouble is when I'm trying to assign students to a class I have to do
this under the Class ID menu instead of the Student Menu ID. How can I set
up my database so that it would give me a form with the students information
on top and give me drop-down menu's of courses available by time frame?
through and listed all the classes, instructors and the times the classes are
offered. I have many sections of the same class offered at different times.
The trouble is when I'm trying to assign students to a class I have to do
this under the Class ID menu instead of the Student Menu ID. How can I set
up my database so that it would give me a form with the students information
on top and give me drop-down menu's of courses available by time frame?