Cleaning up excel & Digital signatures


Christof DB


I've gradually created a tool, with lots of macro's and
data. I now want to make template of the file to get it
used by others.

Problem: after deleting the data in the excel worksheets,
I get the feeling the filesize it too big to my liking
and I guess it's due to 'leftovers' by excel. Is there a
way to clean up excel files? (manually or automatically)

Problem: is a personal digital signature of any use to
allow users not having to get the annoying pop up time
after time? Can they add my key? How?

thanks in advance,

Edwin Tam (MS MVP)

Too keep the file size of your Excel file with VBA code to a minimum, you may try the utility called "VBA Cleaner" by Rob Bovery

The download link is

Note: Please read very carefully all usage guide and instructions before using the tool. And use it very carefully


I've found that sometimes even the code cleaner wont reduce file size
enough, as the "dirt" is in the worksheets.

The only option then is to create a new file:

delete columns/rows beyond last data cell.
copy the worksheets to a new file
copy the modules, object modules and forms to that file
(verify links is empty)
(verify named ranges)

Save the new workbook.



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