Clear Formatting Creates Frames in Master Document



I'm working on an word document that consists of several chapters (separate
word documents). I'm using the outline mode and have attached everything as
sub-documents. All has been going well until I started working on
reformatting styles. At first things were going well, but now anytime I use
the clear formatting selection (in print layout mode) under the styles menu
it converts all of my text into frames IN THE WHOLE DOCUMENT, not just the
selected text. I can select all the frames and remove them (right click
frame, format frame, remove frame) but eventually when I go to clear the
formatting on selected text it pushes everything back into frames. I'm at a
standstill until I can figure this out. I need all of the text to remain in
the document and NOT in frames.

PS I noticed that the sub-documents when opened do not contain the text in
frames, even though the master document does. Saving the master document
also saves any changes to the sub-document but these do not retain the frames
even if they appear to contain them in the master.

Cindy M.

Hi Jason,

I've never heard of the problem you describe, but...

Do NOT, EVER, edit sub-documents from within the Master document. Close the
master and do any editing in the individual sub-document files.

The Master Document feature was not designed for editing. The concept was a way
to pull individual documents together in one document, with common styles,
headers, footers, numbering - for PRINTING.

Trying to anything else in a Master Document can lead to document corruption,
including damaging the sub-documents. I recommend you throw out the Master
Document file and create a new one. Also, you should back up all the sub-
documents before bringing them into a Master, "just in case". Only create the
Master when you're ready to print.

An alternative to using this feature is to go over Insert/File with a Link. This
isn't as unreliable as the Master Document feature, although it can involve a
bit more work. To write changes back to the linked files, press Ctrl+Shift+F7.
I'm working on an word document that consists of several chapters (separate
word documents). I'm using the outline mode and have attached everything as
sub-documents. All has been going well until I started working on
reformatting styles. At first things were going well, but now anytime I use
the clear formatting selection (in print layout mode) under the styles menu
it converts all of my text into frames IN THE WHOLE DOCUMENT, not just the
selected text. I can select all the frames and remove them (right click
frame, format frame, remove frame) but eventually when I go to clear the
formatting on selected text it pushes everything back into frames. I'm at a
standstill until I can figure this out. I need all of the text to remain in
the document and NOT in frames.

PS I noticed that the sub-documents when opened do not contain the text in
frames, even though the master document does. Saving the master document
also saves any changes to the sub-document but these do not retain the frames
even if they appear to contain them in the master.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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