Clear Formatting - Word


Eden Maxwell

Using Word for Mac

Is there a way to clear formatting of the margins and tabs - without
effecting the text itself - as, for example, keeping italicized words


Michel Bintener

There is, assuming you're using Word 2004. Copy some formatted text, then
paste it into another document. The text will now still have its original
paragraph formatting with margins and tabs, but if you select the "Match
destination formatting" option from the smart tag that shows up, the copied
text will adopt your new document's style while retaining the manual

Eden Maxwell

Thank you! I appreciate it.

There is, assuming you're using Word 2004. Copy some formatted text, then
paste it into another document. The text will now still have its original
paragraph formatting with margins and tabs, but if you select the "Match
destination formatting" option from the smart tag that shows up, the copied
text will adopt your new document's style while retaining the manual

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