Clearing values in repeating section instances..HELP!!!



I have an infopath form with three repeating tables & three check
boxes. Each rptTable displays when the matching checkbox is click'd.
I want to clear all fields in the rptSection of the matching check box
when the checkbox is deselected. I've writetn a C# code to clear the
fields for the 1st instance, can I get a lead on how to clear the rest
of the instances of the repeating tables?? I am able to scroll through
the different instances of the rptSection!! but only clears the 1st

Thanks in advance.

Kalyan Reddy


Using Rules, Set the field values to be null
Add Rules -> Actions for all the fields inthe repeating table to be null
This way the values in the repeating table will be cleared whenever the
check box is selected/deselected

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