click on print report and you get a choice of the reports u want


Database User

I saw in the sample Northwind database that you can click on print report
button and you can get a list of a few reports and you can choose the one u
want - how is this done. I would have just put loads of different buttons on
the form each one for a different report but i think that it looks much more
professional. How is it done

Please can u give me step by step answers!

Allen Browne

You could make a list box of the reports, with a command button to open the
selected report.

The RowSource query to list all the reports in a database is:
SELECT [Name] FROM MsysObjects
WHERE (([Type] = -32764)
AND ([Name] Not Like "~*")
AND ([Name] Not Like "MSys*"))
ORDER BY [Name];

Database User

Thanks i got the first part of making a list box but the next part didn't
get. I made a button but it just opens the query how do i make it open any
Also what if i don't want all the reports only a few?
Thanks for your help

Allen Browne said:
You could make a list box of the reports, with a command button to open the
selected report.

The RowSource query to list all the reports in a database is:
SELECT [Name] FROM MsysObjects
WHERE (([Type] = -32764)
AND ([Name] Not Like "~*")
AND ([Name] Not Like "MSys*"))
ORDER BY [Name];

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Database User said:
I saw in the sample Northwind database that you can click on print report
button and you can get a list of a few reports and you can choose the one
want - how is this done. I would have just put loads of different buttons
the form each one for a different report but i think that it looks much
professional. How is it done

Please can u give me step by step answers!

Allen Browne

In the Click event of the button, use the OpenReport action.

Open the report named in the list box.
This kind of thing:

If Not IsNull(Me.MyListBox) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.MyListBox", acViewPreview
End If

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Database User said:
Thanks i got the first part of making a list box but the next part didn't
get. I made a button but it just opens the query how do i make it open any
Also what if i don't want all the reports only a few?
Thanks for your help

Allen Browne said:
You could make a list box of the reports, with a command button to open
selected report.

The RowSource query to list all the reports in a database is:
SELECT [Name] FROM MsysObjects
WHERE (([Type] = -32764)
AND ([Name] Not Like "~*")
AND ([Name] Not Like "MSys*"))
ORDER BY [Name];

Database User said:
I saw in the sample Northwind database that you can click on print
button and you can get a list of a few reports and you can choose the
want - how is this done. I would have just put loads of different
the form each one for a different report but i think that it looks much
professional. How is it done

Please can u give me step by step answers!

Database User

Thanks but where between what line in the visual basics should i put this code.

Also i don't want all the reports to show in the list box - how do i do that?

Allen Browne said:
In the Click event of the button, use the OpenReport action.

Open the report named in the list box.
This kind of thing:

If Not IsNull(Me.MyListBox) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.MyListBox", acViewPreview
End If

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Database User said:
Thanks i got the first part of making a list box but the next part didn't
get. I made a button but it just opens the query how do i make it open any
Also what if i don't want all the reports only a few?
Thanks for your help

Allen Browne said:
You could make a list box of the reports, with a command button to open
selected report.

The RowSource query to list all the reports in a database is:
SELECT [Name] FROM MsysObjects
WHERE (([Type] = -32764)
AND ([Name] Not Like "~*")
AND ([Name] Not Like "MSys*"))
ORDER BY [Name];

I saw in the sample Northwind database that you can click on print
button and you can get a list of a few reports and you can choose the
want - how is this done. I would have just put loads of different
the form each one for a different report but i think that it looks much
professional. How is it done

Please can u give me step by step answers!

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