I'm not sure why any workbook has to mimic the look and feel of that scantron (I
don't know what that is).
But if you don't like an additional optionbutton, you could put a button or
commandbutton near each group of optionbuttons that clear that group.
I would think that your commandbutton/button that clears all doesn't have the
same look and feel as the scantron.
What toolbar did you use to create the optionbuttons and what toolbar would you
use to create the commandbutton/button?
Thanks again Dave. In theory I could add "none of the first 4", but like I
said below, my input mimicks their real test input and I would rather not
have that option for them VISIBLE (note the emphasis on visible).
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for when you say that I didn't
share where the button comes from...I think you are suggesting that I create
another button somewhere to reset a group of radio buttons or add another
radio button that would be none of the first 4 or something. I could have
done that easily but my limitation is the look and style of the particular
scantron that I am trying to mimick.
The only other option I could think of is allowing "right click" so that
they could clear the contents if a student really wants to. Only problem with
that is that I will be disabling all command bars and right clicking with the
following code:
Sub Commands()
Dim oCB As CommandBar
For Each oCB In Application.CommandBars
oCB.Enabled = False
Next oCB
End Sub
The alternative would be allowing one exception and that would be to right
click and click on clear contents. I don't know how to edit the above code to
allow for that exception.
Thanks again for your patience and help with this.