Clicking hyperlinks in Table of Contents



In Word 07, I notice that when I click a hyperlink in the ToC, I don't
necessarily move directly to the corresponding heading until I move my mouse
pointer outside of the ToC into the margins or any area outside of the ToC
and then I will jump to the desired target--why? Thanks in advance.


Terry Farrell


That doesn't happen for me. I have checked on three PCs; all three move
directly to the clicked heading without need to move the pointer. My guess
is that you either have a mouse driver conflict or some third party add-in
that is affecting Word. Try starting in Safe Mode: from Start, Run, type in

winword /a

and press enter. Open the document with the ToC and click the page number to
test its behavior now.


I tried it but no luck. After I starated in Safe Mode, I also had to take an
extra step and go back and reset this so that I would have a hyerlink rather
than having to use Ctrl+click:

Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Word Options.
Click Advanced.
Under Editing options, clear the Use CTRL+ Click to follow hyperlink check

Any other suggestioons (and thanks for any help)?

Terry Farrell

Now I am confused. If you start in Safe Mode, as I suggested, Word will be
in the Ctrl+Click mode because that is the default install condition. It
should work exactly the same as 'Hyperlink' mode except you only click
rather than Contrl+Click.

So the question is, did it work using Ctrl+Click in Safe Mode?



OK--I didn't know it switched to Ctrl-Click. So I tried again and even with
Ctrl-Click, I still had to move the pointer outside the defined ToC area to
actually jump to the target.

Terry Farrell

If it does this in safe mode, then it points towards a problem with your
computer's hardware/firmware or drivers. If it is a laptop, then I'd suspect
the touchpad driver. If it is a desktop, it may be either the mouse driver,
printer driver or graphics driver. I try checking on manufacturers' support
sites and see if you have the latest drivers for the devices and update them
if necessary.



It's a laptop that I use a wireless mouse with but interestingly, when I
saved the 07 file as a *.doc file, the links worked as they should. Leads me
to believe it's related to 07 or Vista.

Terry Farrell


Bizarre! Try re-enabling the touchpad (and unplugging the mouse) to see if
that (mis) behaves the same as the wireless mouse.


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