Clicking lots of tick boxes i one go



I have a contiunous Form that distpays customer with a tick box next
to each one if a brochure has been sent.

How do i have a button on the form that i can click then it will tick
all the boxes



Al Campagna

We'll need a bit more information about your setup and fields to be sure but...
Is there a seperate field for each brochure? ex. Brochure1 = True or False and/or
Brochure2 = True or False etc...
If so, then using the OnClick event of the "cmdALLBrochures" button...
Private Sub cmdAllBrochures_Click()
Brochure1 = True
Brochure2 = True
...etc.. for all Brochure fields.
End Sub
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."


When a cusomer requestes a brochure i enter there deatils intothe
system and tick a box to say brochrue requested

I then have a query/ form ( Continuous Forms) that dispays all the
customer that have requested a brochure. I then click a button that
prints out a brochure request letter

once this is done there is a tick box next to each customers details
on the form called Brochure Sent.

I then go throught all the customers and tick that a brochure has been

insteadof going throught and ticking each one i would like a button
that i can click and it will automacicaly tick Brochure sent box for
all the customers in qryBrochureRequests

Hope this HElps

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