Victor Cheung
The Following Code Is How I Use:
Jet + ADO to connect to the access database on a windows 2000 file server..
any suggestion on how to improve it.. and what is the different between
adopenstatic and adopendymanic? any detail information on the ADO connection
Anyone have experience on writing the error trap for ADO?
Goal: If the database is using by someone.. automatically wait a few
second.. and retry.. ?
Dim conn4 As ADODB.Connection
Set conn4 = New ADODB.Connection
conn4.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=z:\comtech\rm\rmbill1.mdb; Jet OLEDB
atabase Password=" &
Dim rmbill As ADODB.Recordset
Set rmbill = New ADODB.Recordset
rmbill.Open "select * from RMBILL where (tablenum='" & transfernum & "' and
saletype='" & transection & "' and status='O')", conn4, adOpenStatic,
Jet + ADO to connect to the access database on a windows 2000 file server..
any suggestion on how to improve it.. and what is the different between
adopenstatic and adopendymanic? any detail information on the ADO connection
Anyone have experience on writing the error trap for ADO?
Goal: If the database is using by someone.. automatically wait a few
second.. and retry.. ?
Dim conn4 As ADODB.Connection
Set conn4 = New ADODB.Connection
conn4.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data
Source=z:\comtech\rm\rmbill1.mdb; Jet OLEDB
Dim rmbill As ADODB.Recordset
Set rmbill = New ADODB.Recordset
rmbill.Open "select * from RMBILL where (tablenum='" & transfernum & "' and
saletype='" & transection & "' and status='O')", conn4, adOpenStatic,