clip art media sound files



I want the sound files that I have copied from clip art online to copy to the
same files that my powerpoint presentation is being stored in. I cannot find
the way to change them from copying to the default file. I also want to
embed these files into my presentation, but I did the tools, options, general
tab, and raised the value of file size to 5000kb, but these files still link
and do not get embeded. I want my presentation and all of my sound files
together in the same location so I don't get broken links when I send this
file to someone or download to a CD.

TAJ Simmons


From your post, I reckon you've read this page already...

Sounds/Movies don't play, images disappear or links break when I move or email a presentation

If it was me, I'd start with a new blank presentation, just a couple of slides, then test inserting/embedding just one
small sound file.

If it works, proceed to a bigger sound file.

My guess, is that either your sound files are
bigger than 5000kb
they are not WAV files but some other sound format (mp3?), only WAVs can be embedded, everything else gets linked
Or, you've perhaps missed one step in the above instructions.

TAJ Simmons
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yes, I visited this page and I still have the problem. How can I change the
default link to a link to a file where I've stored the .wav file?

TAJ Simmons


You cannot easily change the link to a sound file you have already inserted.

It's best to put the sound file in the same folder as your .ppt ** BEFORE ** you insert it.

If you there's lots of links to update.... it may be worth considering this fix links add-in


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